Executive Terms


Introduction: Welcome to the Game Changer family! We’re thrilled that you’re considering joining our community. We value collaboration, support, and commitment from every member. To ensure a cohesive and supportive environment, we have outlined terms and conditions to guide all members’ conduct within the community.

  1. Membership as an Executive: To qualify as an Executive Member, a minimum contribution of 100,000 coins to the Game Changer Leader is required.
  2. Visibility and Engagement: Members are encouraged to be actively visible within the community by attending team members’ lives, particularly the leaders, whenever possible.
  3. Contribution for Executive Matches: Executive members must contribute a minimum of 60,000 coins for other executive members during their matches or box games.
  4. Voluntary Contributions: Contributions made to any box game or official match beyond the stipulated coins are voluntary. These contributions are made based on personal relationships, and members should not anticipate reimbursement.
  5. Support at Matches: All team members are expected to attend and support family members’ matches, understanding that even their presence holds significant value.
  6. Attainment of Team Sticker: Members seeking the team sticker must actively engage with the team, network, and demonstrate reliability before applying for the Game Changer Sticker. All applications are reviewed by team executives.
  7. Approval for Family Support: Official matches or box games requiring family support must receive prior approval from the Game Changer Executives Board Members.
  8. Notice for Planned Events: Members planning matches, box games, or birthday parties must provide a minimum eight weeks’ notice. This aids in effective management and planning of support from the family.
  9. Golden Rule – No Sniping: Under no circumstances should any member engage in sniping against another family member.
  10. Leveling Up Investments: Executive members aiming to level up are advised to do so with trusted executives or team members to safeguard their investments and ensure returns.
  11. Deliberation on Contributions: The Game Changer Leader will consult with Executive Members to determine the contributions required from each executive member well in advance of any matches. Each member is entitled to one official match or box game in a calendar year, excluding birthdays. Birthday gifts depend on personal relationships within the team.
  12. Leadership Replacement: In the event of the Leader’s underperformance, an election will be conducted by the Executive Board Member to elect a new Leader.
  13. Support for Regular Members: All regular members will receive support from the Game Changers family based on their relationships with the leader, executives, and other members. As a united family, we aim to provide support to all members.
  14. Friendly Battles: Members can engage in friendly battles within the family for entertainment purposes, and support is encouraged for personal favorites within these friendly competitions.
  15. Formation of Sub-Groups: Each Executive Member has the liberty to create and manage their own group within the Game Changer family.
  16. Guidelines for Matches and Games: Members must refrain from spamming, sharing unofficial box games or live matches, and expecting family support. Support is solely based on personal relationships, and official matches approved by the board receive family support.
  17. Contributing Outside the Family: Members are permitted to contribute to users outside the Game Changer family based on their personal relationships. The commitment isn’t solely restricted to supporting Game Changers members.
  18. Seasonal Break and Birthday Celebrations: For the months of November, December, and January, all executive members will not engage in matches. This period coincides with the Christmas and New Year season, providing members the opportunity to spend time with their families. However, if an executive member’s birthday falls within this period, a celebration will be held, and all members are encouraged to show support. Any executive wishing to play games during this time should not expect support from the Game Changer community. This condition applies to regular members as well.
  19. Monthly Match Limit and External Support: We accept one match per month from both executive and regular members. Although our goal is to win all games, occasional losses might occur based on the opponent’s strength. We recommend that members support external friends beyond the Game Changer family to enhance their chances.
  20. Booking Official Matches for Executive Members: All executive member match events must be booked online and approved by the Game Changer community leaders. If all dates for the year are booked, subsequent bookings will be scheduled for the following year to ensure fair opportunities for all interested members before rotations for repeated plays.
  21. Approval for Regular Member Matches: Regular members seeking to play official matches must request approval from their subgroup leader. While we encourage support from the family, winning every match is not guaranteed. Support is based on personal relationships with team members, and not all members may offer support.
  22. Communication on not be able to attend or Missed Matches: Executive members who will not be able to attend another executive member’s match due to personal reasons, such as financial crises, should communicate this to the leader and executive members at least two weeks before the scheduled match.
  23. Cultivating Relationships: In addition to matches and birthdays, fostering a culture of checking in, connecting, and building healthy relationships among members is encouraged within the community.
  24. Financial Responsibility and Support: All members are urged not to feel pressured to give gifts if they are unable to do so, refrain from taking loans or using essential funds (such as rent) to attend matches or events, and to prioritize resolving personal life issues before supporting any member’s matches or birthdays. The well-being of members and their responsibilities outside the community is paramount.


Coin Deposit Requirement for Executive Members

Security Deposit:

  1. Before becoming an Executive Member of the Game Changers, all prospective executive members are required to make a non-refundable coin deposit to a separate Game-Changer TikTok account. This deposit serves as security and demonstrates commitment to the community.
  2. Deposit Purpose:
    The deposit amount is used to support other executive team members during official matches or events within the Game Changer family.
  3. Exit or Departure Utilization:
    In the event an executive member chooses to leave the community after playing their game, the deposited amount will be utilized to cover the support for one official event within the family.


  1. Minimum Contribution:
    All executive members and the leader will contribute a minimum of 60,000 TikTok coins to any executive member playing a game within the Game Changer family.
  2. Contribution Review:
    As the family grows and evolves, the contribution of TikTok coins will be periodically reviewed and potentially adjusted to align with the community’s expanding needs and resources.
    This addition outlines the mandatory coin deposit for executive members, specifying its purpose and utilization, along with the revised contribution policy for TikTok coins, subject to periodic reviews as the community expands.


  1. Minimum Contribution for Executive Members: The Leader of the Game Changer community is required to contribute a minimum of 60,000 coins specifically designated for executive members at every match event. This contribution serves as a standard support for executive members during official matches.
  2. Personal Relationship Contributions for Executive Members: In addition to the minimum requirement, the Leader may opt to contribute further to executive members based on personal relationships and individual connections within the community. These additional contributions are discretionary and aim to strengthen the leader-executive member relationships.
  3. Support for Regular Members: While the minimum 60,000 coins contribution is exclusively for executive members during matches, regular members will receive support from the Leader based on their commitment to the Game Changer family and personal relationships established within the community.
  4. Voluntary Nature of Contributions: All contributions made by the Leader, whether for executive members or regular members, are voluntary and considered gestures of support and encouragement within the Game Changer family.


In the Game Changer community, fostering harmonious relationships among members is of utmost importance. Therefore, the following conflict resolution guidelines have been incorporated into our terms and conditions:

  1. Resolving Disputes Amicably: Should any conflict arise between team members, it is encouraged that they attempt to resolve the issue amongst themselves initially. If resolution remains elusive, members can escalate the matter to their subgroup leader or the head of the Game Changer community for further assistance and mediation.
  2. Promoting Unity and Collaboration: It is crucial that conflicts do not lead to members refraining from supporting each other’s events or matches. We encourage all members to uphold a spirit of unity and collaboration within the community despite any misunderstandings or differences.
  3. Embracing Peaceful Coexistence: During live streams or community interactions, members are expected to maintain mutual respect and greet each other courteously, fostering an environment of respect and peace. Regardless of personal differences, supporting each other’s events and contributions is fundamental to our ethos.
  4. Non-Impediment to Support: Disagreements or personal preferences should not hinder members from actively supporting fellow team members’ events or matches. Every member is encouraged to show support and participate positively within the community.
  5. Conflict Resolution Protocol: If a dispute affects a member’s participation or support within the community, the Executive board members will step in to resolve the conflict, ensuring fair and amicable solutions that allow all members to coexist and thrive harmoniously.

By adhering to these conflict resolution guidelines, members contribute to the creation of a supportive, respectful, and unified environment within the Game Changer family, fostering growth and success for all.


  1. Commitment and Active Participation: Members joining the Game Changer family are expected to demonstrate a commitment beyond participation in matches. The community values active involvement, including supporting other members, fostering relationships, and contributing positively to the collective spirit.
  2. Reciprocity and Support: Every member is encouraged to actively support fellow members beyond their own matches. This includes attending and engaging in other members’ matches, providing encouragement, and fostering a supportive atmosphere within the family.
  3. Engagement in Community Events: Beyond individual matches, members are encouraged to participate in family events, such as friendly battles, celebrations, and engagements initiated by fellow members. These events help strengthen the bond among members.
  4. Mutual Assistance and Collaboration: In the spirit of unity, members are expected to offer assistance and collaboration where possible. This might include strategizing together for matches, sharing tips, and offering support to improve overall performance.
  5. Responsible Membership: Members should not join solely to participate in matches without actively engaging in the community. It’s essential to demonstrate a genuine interest in contributing positively to the collective growth and well-being of the Game Changer family.
  6. Fostering Positive Relationships: Building healthy relationships is paramount within our community. Members are encouraged to interact positively, fostering an environment of mutual respect, kindness, and camaraderie.
  7. Continuous Engagement Beyond Matches: Members should avoid a pattern of solely participating in matches and leaving without supporting others. Consistent engagement and support are valued and expected from all community members.
  8. Maintaining Balance and Prioritizing Commitments: While participation is encouraged, members should ensure a balance between personal life, responsibilities, and engagement within the Game Changer family. Prioritize support and participation without compromising personal well-being or responsibilities.
  9. Adherence to the Code of Conduct: All members are required to adhere to the established code of conduct and abide by the terms and conditions outlined for joining the Game Changer family. Violations may result in appropriate actions by the leadership team.


This attendance policy for executives is designed to ensure the active participation and commitment of executives within the Game Changer community, contributing to the overall engagement and support network of the group.

  1. Executive Event Attendance Requirement: Executives within the Game Changer family are expected to attend a minimum of events within the community. Failure to attend scheduled events without prior notification may lead to suspension from the group.
  2. Notification of Absence: If an executive is unable to attend an event, it is mandatory to notify the team leader or community leadership in advance, providing a valid reason for their absence.
  3. Consequence of Unnotified Absences: In the instance where an executive misses more than three events without notifying the team leader and fails to provide a valid reason for their absence, they will face suspension from the Game Changer community.
  4. Resumption after Suspension: Executives suspended due to unnotified absences are welcome to rejoin the community after serving the suspension period, provided they commit to adhering to the attendance policy moving forward.
  5. Commitment to Active Participation: Executives play a crucial role in the Game Changer family, and their active participation and support are vital for fostering a cohesive and supportive environment within the community.
  6. Acknowledgment and Agreement: By accepting the role of an executive within the Game Changer family, members acknowledge and agree to adhere to the attendance policy and understand the consequences of unnotified absences from scheduled events.


Members who have pre-planned matches with fixed dates before joining the Game Changer family should note the following:

  1. Limited Support for Pre-Planned Matches: Matches that were scheduled and confirmed prior to joining the Game Changer family will not be eligible for support from the community. The Game Changer family exclusively provides support to matches and events approved by the Executive Board.
  2. Approval Process for Support: The Game Changer community extends support only to events and matches that have been officially approved by the Executive Board. Any match scheduled independently before joining the family does not fall under the community’s support framework.
  3. Maintaining Support Criteria: As a standard practice, support from the Game Changer family is reserved for events that have received approval through the community’s process to ensure fair and collective support.
  4. Non-Entitlement for Support: Members with pre-planned matches before joining the family should not expect or anticipate support from the Game Changer community. Support is exclusively extended to events approved by the community’s Executive Board.
  5. Compliance with Community Standards: By joining the Game Changer family, members acknowledge and adhere to the community’s support criteria, understanding that matches scheduled prior to joining are not eligible for support.


  1. Regular Review of Gift Contributions: The Game Changer family conducts periodic reviews (quarterly/bi-annually) to reassess the contribution amount for gifts by each executive member.
  2. Consideration of Executive Numbers: During reviews, the total number of executive members in the Game Changer family is considered. The contribution for gifts is adjusted to accommodate the increasing number of executives.
  3. Balancing Contributions Equitably: Revised gift contributions are distributed more evenly among all executives, ensuring a fair and reasonable contribution aligned with individual budget constraints.
  4. Transparent Discussions: Discussions regarding the proposed changes in gift contributions are held openly within the executive group. Consensus among members is sought to finalize the revised gift contribution amount.
  5. Respect for Financial Capacities: Recognizing varying financial capacities, adjustments are made to prevent undue pressure on individual budgets while upholding the significance of the gift.
  6. Consultation with Leadership: Input from the Game Changer Leader and Executive Board is sought to ensure that the revised gift contribution aligns with the community’s values and goals.
  7. Communication of Adjusted Contributions: Once agreed upon, the revised gift contribution amount is communicated effectively to all executive members to ensure clarity and understanding.
  8. Adherence to Revised Guidelines: All executive members are expected to comply with the reviewed gift contribution amounts as outlined during the periodic reviews.


The Game Changer family places significant importance on adherence to community rules and the confidentiality of our terms and conditions.
To uphold these standards, the following clauses have been added:

  1. Enforcement of Rules and Guidelines: Members are expected to comply with the established rules and guidelines of the Game Changer family. Failure to abide by these rules may result in suspension or removal from the community.
  2. Confidentiality of Terms and Conditions: This document detailing the terms and conditions of the Game Changer family is strictly for internal use and may not be transferred or disclosed to third parties without explicit consent from the community leadership.
  3. Non-Refundable Support Contributions: In the event that a member is removed or suspended from the Game Changer family due to non-compliance with community rules, they shall not be entitled to a refund of any support or contributions made to other team members’ events or matches. Support contributions are voluntary and non-refundable.
  4. Suspension or Removal from the Community: Members failing to comply with community rules may face suspension or removal from the Game Changer family. The decision to suspend or remove a member will be made by the community leaders based on the severity and nature of the violation.
  5. Non-Disclosure Agreement: Members agree not to disclose the terms and conditions of the Game Changer family to any third party without explicit permission. Violation of this non-disclosure agreement may result in consequences as outlined by the community’s rules.


  1. Voluntary Departure: Any member of the Game Changer family has the liberty to voluntarily exit the community at any time without prejudice.
  2. Notification of Departure: Members opting to leave the Game Changer family are encouraged to inform the community leadership or their subgroup leader of their decision to depart. This notification helps maintain clarity and facilitates the departure process.
  3. Notice Period for Executive Members: Executive members intending to exit the community are required to provide a minimum notice of two months before their departure date. This notice period allows for a smoother transition and ensures continuity within the community.
  4. Contributions During Notice Period: During the two-month notice period, Executive members who have played their own match and received support are expected to continue contributing to other executive events if they occur within this period. This requirement aims to maintain a reciprocal support system within the community during the departure process.
  5. Forfeiture of Support Contributions: Upon departure from the community, members will not be entitled to a refund or retrieval of any support contributions made to other team members’ events or matches. These contributions are considered voluntary and non-refundable.
  6. Respectful Exit and Collaboration: Departing members are urged to exit the community in a respectful manner, maintaining the positive relationships and goodwill fostered during their membership. Collaboration and support among members, even post-departure, are encouraged whenever feasible.
  7. Confidentiality of Community Information: Exiting members are expected to uphold the confidentiality agreement regarding the Game Changer family’s terms and conditions. Sharing internal information with third parties without consent is prohibited.
  8. Acknowledgment and Agreement: By choosing to become a part of the Game Changer family, members acknowledge and agree to the exit terms and conditions outlined above.


The Game Changer family prioritizes the confidentiality and security of members’ data. To reinforce this commitment, the following privacy policy is an integral part of our terms and conditions:

  1. Data Confidentiality: All personal information collected from members within the Game Changer community is treated with the utmost confidentiality. This includes, but is not limited to, contact details, personal preferences, and any other data shared with the community.
  2. Data Security Measures: Robust security measures are implemented to safeguard all collected data from unauthorized access, misuse, or alteration. The Game Changer family ensures the use of appropriate technological and managerial practices to maintain the integrity and security of member data.
  3. Non-Disclosure to Third Parties: Under no circumstances will the Game Changer community share members’ data with third parties without explicit consent. Members’ information is strictly used for internal purposes within the community and will not be sold, traded, or shared with external entities for any reason without prior authorization.
  4. Consent and Permission: The Game Changer family respects members’ rights to control their data. Any sharing of personal information with external parties will only occur with the express consent of the respective member. Members will be informed and asked for explicit consent before their data is shared for any purpose beyond the community.
  5. Data Handling Transparency: Transparency regarding data handling practices is a core principle within the Game Changer family. Members have the right to request information about the data collected, its usage, and any third-party involvement. Any queries or concerns regarding data handling can be addressed to the community leaders for clarification and resolution.
  6. Compliance with Regulations: The Game Changer community adheres to applicable data protection laws and regulations to ensure the privacy and protection of members’ data. Any changes in data handling policies will be communicated transparently and in compliance with legal requirements.
  7. Continued Data Protection Commitment: The Game Changer community pledges an ongoing commitment to maintain the confidentiality, security, and responsible handling of all member data. This commitment extends to ensuring that members feel secure and confident in sharing information within the community.


In adherence to maintaining the integrity of our community, the Game Changer family emphasizes the importance of compliance with our terms and conditions, which include specific guidelines and rules for all members.

  1. Adherence to Community Rules: Members of the Game Changer family are expected to abide by the rules and guidelines outlined in our terms and conditions. These rules are designed to foster a respectful, supportive, and inclusive environment for everyone within the community.
  2. Enforcement and Accountability: Failure to comply with the stipulated rules may result in appropriate measures, including but not limited to suspension or removal from the community. The enforcement of these consequences ensures that the integrity and values of the Game Changer family are maintained.
  3. Non-Refundable Support Contributions: In the event that a member is removed or suspended from the Game Changer family due to non-compliance with community rules, they shall not be entitled to a refund of any support or contributions made to other team members’ events or matches. Support contributions are voluntary and non-refundable.
  4. Suspension or Removal from the Community: Members failing to comply with community rules may face suspension or removal from the Game Changer family. The decision to suspend or remove a member will be made by the community leaders based on the severity and nature of the violation.
  5. Confidentiality of Document: The terms and conditions document provided to members of the Game Changer community is strictly intended for internal use. It is not permissible for any member to transfer or disclose the contents of this document to third parties without explicit consent or authorization from the community leaders.
  6. Confidentiality and Respect for Community Guidelines: Respecting the confidentiality of the document and abiding by its guidelines contribute to the well-being and cohesiveness of our community. Members are expected to honor this confidentiality agreement and refrain from sharing the document externally.
  7. Ensuring Community Trust and Integrity: By upholding the rules and maintaining confidentiality, members contribute to a trustworthy and respectful environment within the Game Changer family. This ensures mutual respect, privacy, and a sense of security among all community members.
  8. Reporting Non-Compliance: If any member observes or suspects a breach of the terms and conditions by another member, they are encouraged to report it to the community leaders for appropriate action and resolution.
  9. Commitment to Community Values: The Game Changer family values the commitment of its members to adhere to the rules and maintain the confidentiality of the terms and conditions, fostering a community built on trust and mutual respect.

By joining the Game Changer family, members commit to upholding the integrity policy, fostering an atmosphere of support, collaboration, and mutual respect within the community and you agree to adhere to these terms and conditions, fostering a supportive, collaborative, and respectful environment within our community.

By accepting these terms and conditions, you acknowledge your commitment to the Game Changer family’s values and principles, fostering a strong, supportive, and unified community.

Please signify your acceptance of these terms by joining our community and actively contributing to its growth and success. Thank you for choosing to be a part of the Game Changer family!

Hello Game Changer Family!

Join our WhatsApp Channel to stay connected, get updates on events, and engage with fellow members. Let’s strengthen our bonds and support each other more easily! Click HERE to join now!